Politics News

Trump’s Sad Hitler Remarks Revealed On CNN

New York Times correspondent and CNN analyst Maggie Haberman recently explained to a Anderson Cooper, who was stunned as to why former President Donald Trump’s recently-revealed praise of Adolf Hitler hasn’t exploded in the news via Mediaite.

It has been noted that Trump’s praise for Hitler was revealed in new reporting via former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly to CNN’s Jim Sciutto. As per the comments Kelly made for Sciutto’s book “The Return of Great Powers” Trump started by saying Hitler “did some good things” and went on from there.

Cooper interviewed Haberman during CNN’s Tuesday night coverage of the multiple”Super Tuesday II” contests, and asked what it takes for people to become outraged anymore:

COOPER: It is also just bizarre. You think about John Kelly telling Jim Sciutto, about the Hitler comments, and Hitler did some good things. According to John Kelly, that’s what the former President said.

It didn’t — nobody seemed to care. I mean, in any other time, this would have been just unbelievable.

HABERMAN: There’s an enormous — a couple of things, I would say about that.

There’s been an enormous volume of information, about things that Donald Trump said as president, things that he said in his past. We have talked about it here. We’ve written about it at the New York Times. That piece of information actually first appeared in a book, by my colleague, Mike Bender.

And so, some of these things have been around so long that I actually think that the public has gotten almost numb to them.


HABERMAN: And I think that that is, for people who don’t like the former President, that is part of their challenge.

If you look back at the reporting, around the Mueller report, and we wrote about this at the time, there was so much reporting that went into this investigation, and what was happening with that investigation, that the public sort of heard a lot of it along the way. So, by the time the actual report came out, there wasn’t a ton new that the public was learning.

And that seems to be the case here. I think the public has tuned a lot of it out. They may not, in the fall, and I think that’s what we’re going to — we’re going to see.

Haberman also had some harsh criticism for Donald Trump over the fact that in her opinion, he has been “trafficking in racial stereotypes” as he makes “a play for Black voters.”

John W.

I'm an author & heretical historian with a passion for hidden history and love to write about politics.

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