Health News

One Food You Should Never Eat if You Have Chronic Inflammation

Amidst the visible signs of inflammation, lurks a hidden adversary—silent, insidious, and elusive. ( “Inflammation is a physiological process involved in the defense of our body and the repair of tissues,” elucidates Jenna Stangland, RD, a Momentous advisor. (

Its triggers are manifold, from infections to trauma, toxins, or allergic reactions, sometimes festering into chronic afflictions within muscles and tissues. Yet, the peril of chronic inflammation looms large, as Stangland warns, “Chronic inflammation can end up stimulating the development of cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, or cancer.”

It’s a relentless foe, often persisting for months beyond the body’s capacity to quell it.

Amidst this battleground, diet emerges as a crucial weapon—a shield against the ravages of chronic inflammation and the diseases it spawns. Michelle Routhenstein, MS, RD, CDCES, CDN, a preventive cardiology dietitian at, underscores the pivotal role of diet, stating, “Diet plays a significant role in inflammation, as certain foods can either promote or reduce inflammation in the body.”

Among the culprits to avoid, fried foods take center stage, their trans fat content exacerbating metabolic diseases like diabetes, fueling the flames of inflammation. Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, CSSD, a Dymatize nutrition consultant, sheds light on the process, revealing, “Heating fatty foods at high temperatures can increase the production of trans fats,” while also triggering the production of compounds like advanced glycation end (AGEs), which fan the flames of oxidative stress and inflammation. (

But amidst the admonitions against deep-fried indulgences, a beacon of hope emerges—a slow cooker, an ally in the quest for healthier cooking methods. Spano advocates for its embrace, urging, “I recommend food that is cooked in a slow cooker at a lower temperature for longer cooking times.”

It’s a small change with monumental implications, offering not just healthier meals but also a convenient solution for the time-strapped. (

Yet, the battlefield extends beyond the fryer, encompassing the aisles of supermarkets and the shelves of pantries. Stangland warns against the insidious allure of added sugars, lurking in sugary snacks and processed foods, their consumption linked to a litany of health woes, from obesity to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

But amidst the admonitions lies a ray of hope—a call to embrace whole foods, to savor the sweetness of nature untainted by added sugars.

The battle against inflammation rages on, with red meat emerging as a formidable adversary, its consumption linked to elevated levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers. Stangland cautions against its consistent indulgence, urging moderation in its consumption.

It’s a plea echoed by research, with a systemic review and meta-analysis underscoring the link between red meat intake and heightened inflammation.

As the skirmish unfolds, carbohydrates emerge as a double-edged sword—critical for fueling our bodies yet capable of stoking the fires of inflammation when refined. Routhenstein advocates for a shift towards whole grains, urging the adoption of brown rice and whole wheat bread in lieu of their refined counterparts.

But amidst the sea of “don’ts,” a beacon of hope emerges—a clarion call to embrace nutrient-rich diets teeming with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Routhenstein extols the virtues of these dietary heroes, lauding their anti-inflammatory properties and their role in safeguarding overall health.

Yet, in this labyrinth of dietary choices, guidance becomes paramount. Stangland extends a lifeline, urging those grappling with chronic inflammation to seek the counsel of registered dietitians, who can offer personalized recommendations to navigate the tumultuous waters of dietary choices.

It’s a reminder that amidst the chaos, there exists a path to healing, a beacon of hope for those grappling with the silent scourge of chronic inflammation.

John W.

I'm an author & heretical historian with a passion for hidden history and love to write about politics.
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