Politics News

‘Captain Capslock Is Risen’, Social Media Takes on Trump After Unhinged Easter 77-Post Spree

The internet took on Donald Trump as he spent the Easter holiday waging war against his opponents through his Truth Social handle. Political observers were also quick to call attention to the social media frenzy, with many people poking fun at the former president’s bizarre statements. Trump posted hundreds of messages with only one wishing ‘Happy Easter’ to those he despised such as “corrupt” judges and prosecutors in his criminal cases, “Crooked Joe Biden” and many others who have allegedly “wronged him,” as reported by Raw Story. Interestingly, one of the posts he re-shared, referred to him as the “chosen one”. 

A social media user wrote on X, “Happy Easter. Captain Capslock is risen,” taking a dig at the ex-president’s habit of ranting with all-caps. Another user slammed, “In case you missed it, Trump made 71 social media posts on Easter morning & only one of those posts referenced Easter. 71. He also posted articles that he is ‘the chosen one’ by God. A stable genius he is not. More like a delusional narcissist.”

Spiro’s Ghost, another well-known parody profile on X, added “Trump just posted this ‘Easter message’ to cap off nearly *100* other posts and reposts replete with deranged levels of malignant narcissism and lunacy.” They added, “ANYONE who still supports this utterly unhinged maniac is as depraved as he is—there are just no words.”

Another user chiming in, said, “If anybody ever deserved pre-trial detention, it’s the lying vile traitor Donald J. Trump. He has diarrhea of the mouth with 77 posts on Easter Sunday alone. He is a f***tangular disgrace and the biggest domestic threat to democracy & America in history. Where is the rule of law?” The user also attached a graphic of Trump, dubbing him as ‘enemy of the people.’ 

Ron Filipowski, the editor of Meidas Touch Network, added, “After 71 posts of deranged hate on Easter morning, Trump finally posts his Easter message. A message of Christian love.” Another user blasted, “Trump didn’t go to church on Easter. Instead, he sat with his phone and whined, in all CAPS, through some 77 unhinged Truth Social posts, having NOTHING to do with Easter…”

According to Yahoo! News, drawing attention to the ex-president’s sad state of affairs, a user wrote, “Hey Trump, you know who posts 77 times on Easter Sunday? Lunatics with no family who loves them. The rest of us were kinda busy enjoying our families!” Netizens also slammed MAGA supporters for not understanding how Trump in a way was mocking the Christian faith, “Donald Trump posts the most anti-Christian anti-easter message for Easter and then he calls himself the chosen one while selling $60 bibles. Crazy how the Maga Cult doesn’t understand what the word BLASPHEMY means.”

John W.

I'm an author & heretical historian with a passion for hidden history and love to write about politics.

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